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Why do I have different dashboards?

If any of the following scenarios apply to you, you may have multiple dashboards and multiple views of our website.

  • You own more than one business enrolled with Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg)
  • You are enrolled with more than one software provider
  • You have enrolled in more than one pay-by-refund program with sbtpg

When you log into our website, you are immediately taken to a default view of our website. This default view combines all of your information into a single dashboard, displaying a combination all of your business with sbtpg.


As you navigate the website you will have a limited menu, and many website features will not be available. When you run reports from this view of our website, you are reporting on all of the offices and/or records that are enrolled with us.




To view information for a specific office and/or record, and to access additional website features select the "View website as" link at the top right side of the page to navigate to businesses you own




Once you have selected an office and/or record, you will have a filtered view of our website. You will only be viewing information for the office and/or record selected. The dashboard will be filtered to the office and/or record selected and the menu will expand to include additional features. View this article for more information about how to filter our website.



If you log in before the start of tax season you may see a dashboard with blank values as tax returns have not been filed yet. Use the year filter to view information for a prior tax season. Click here to see how to navigate the multi-year website.

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