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Printing checks from our website (Part 2)

Step 2 - please follow these instructions if you have been instructed to print checks from our website

Checks issued after Oct. 31 are printed by Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) and mailed via USPS regular mail to the address provided on your client's tax return.


Depending on the software provider you use, you may print Refund Transfer checks from our website. If you can print a pdf, then you can print checks from our website.

Once you have successfully printed a test check (See article for Part1) follow the steps outlined below to print a live check.


Begin printing live check(s)


Once you have successfully printed the test check click "Print new checks" to print cashier's checks for your clients. The number of pending checks that are ready to print are displayed in a red bubble next to the "Check Printing" menu item. 



The following screen will display pending checks that are ready to print. Note: Large numbers of unprinted checks will result in longer page load times. 



Use the checkbox on the left side of the page to select the checks you want to print - up to 25 checks per page. Select the box at the top of the page to select all taxpayers on the page.



Large numbers of unprinted checks will be displayed across multiple pages. Use the buttons to arrow across multiple pages. If you have multiple pages of checks to print, select the double arrow >> to go to the last page or select the << to return to the first page. You may not select and print checks on different pages. 


Once you have selected at least one checkbox you'll see the Print button color change and now you can print a check. 




Use the search bar to search for checks by taxpayer's last name, or by last 4 digits of a primary taxpayer's SSN.




Select the checks you need to print

Once you select the "Print" button a window will open asking you to enter the starting check number of the check stock that is loaded in your printer.


The starting check number is the check number of the first cashier's check in your printer that will be printed. You can find the check number at the top right side of the cashier's check. This is an example only.



You will also be reminded to confirm the check layout version that is found on the check stock. This is to ensure you are using current year check stock.

The layout version below is an example. This layout version changes every year.




Once you have entered the starting check number you may select the "Print" button.



A pdf will pop-up (make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off). Review and make sure the information printed on the check is correct THEN select the Print button. That's it!



After printing the check(s), you will see a confirmation message including a link to the pdf that was just printed. If you accidentally closed the pdf before printing the check(s), select the "Reopen PDF" button to re-open the pdf and print the check(s) or select "Done" if you successfully printed the check(s).



The checks that you successfully printed will no longer be displayed on the Print new checks page. Only checks that are still waiting to be printed will be displayed on the Print new checks page. 





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