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Compliance training

Training for Business Owners

We've made it easy to navigate through the compliance training that is required by Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg). While business owners are required to complete training before offering tax-related products through sbtpg, it's also an easy way to become familiar with best practices. 


To complete the training, business owners can log in to our website at, select "Account" from the left side menu, and select the compliance training that you are required to complete. The compliance training is released in the fall before tax season begins.


Have multiple records?

If you have multiple offices and/or have signed up with different pay-by-refund programs you may need to navigate to different records in order to complete the required compliance training. Click here to learn more about website navigation for tax professionals with multiple offices and/or records.


Multiple compliance training courses?

If you are enrolled in a pay-by-refund program and you have also enrolled in the Fast Cash Advance program, you will be required to complete compliance training for Fast Cash Advance and the pay-by-refund program you have enrolled in.


Training for Employees

If you have employees that would like to review the compliance information after you have completed the exam, simply log in to our website, and select the "Compliance Exam" link under "My Profile". Select the "View Exam as PDF" button at the bottom of the page to download a pdf version of the exam that may be provided to your employees. 


Please Note: Tax preparation fees may be HELD until the compliance training has been completed on the website - fees are released after the training is completed.

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