If you are a tax professional that's having problems logging onto our website (you may or may not see the alert pictured above) please make sure to check the following.
Are you trying to login with the same username and password you used last tax season?
We completely redesigned our website so you will need to create a new username and password if the last time you used Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) was in 2021. Sign up here with the business owner's email address, date of birth and last 4 digits of SSN.
If you used sbtpg on or after 2022 log in using the same username, password and email address that you used to initially create your login profile.
Have you already created a user ID?
- If yes, click here to recover your username or click here to recover your password
- If no, create a profile from our website. Make sure you are entering the business owner's information correctly.
Have you created an account for our website and the website is not accepting your username or password?
- Are you carefully entering the correct username and password?
- Are you trying to enter an EFIN instead of your username?
- Have you tried clicking here to recover your username or clicking here to recover your password?
- Has ownership of an office been transferred from another tax professional to you? If you are the new owner you may need to create new login credentials here.
Are you not receiving the PIN?
- Have you checked your junk mail folder or Promotions folder in gmail?
- Have you done a search in your email for "PIN"?
- Have you misspelled your email address?
- Have you tried using the SMS text message option to receive your PIN?
- Have you added SantaBarbaraTPG@mail.sbtpg.com to your trusted or safe senders list?
Are you logging in for the first time?
Are you still having problems logging into our website?
- Have you enrolled or renewed with sbtpg for the upcoming tax season with an approved software provider?
- If you have requested a PIN, password or username multiple times, delete previous PIN, forgot password or forgot username emails and/or text messages and then submit your request again. Make sure to use the email or text message received after submitting your most recent request.
- Consider clicking the eyeball icon to reveal information you are entering. Clicking this will allow you to see what you have entered
If you have enrolled for the upcoming tax season and still can't logon to our website, it may be because we have not received your information from your software provider. Don't worry! Once we receive your information, we will send you an email to confirm your setup. After that you will be able to logon to our website.
Manager and employee profiles
If you are the office owner you may create a user profile for your office manager and other employees (feature available in mid-December). Simply log in to our website and select "Account" from the side menu. Select "Manage users" to get started.
View this article for instructions about adding users to your account.
When you logon to our website don't forget to complete your setup by verifying your profile information when you first login and complete the compliance training by selecting "Account" from the side menu and then selecting "Compliance Training". Program opt-ins are also available from the dashboard or "Programs" page.