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How do I opt-in to programs?

A number of programs are available to qualified tax professionals. The opt-in process varies depending upon the program, but we have made the opt-in process fast and easy. 


Find programs

After logging into our website, view the "Programs" section of the dashboard or select "Programs" from the left side navigation to see the programs that may be available to you. From the Programs page each program will include a status tag. Statuses may include:

  • Eligible - you may be qualified to opt-in to this program
  • Approved - you have successfully opted-in to a program
  • Action required - you have started the opt-in process, but additional steps are required to complete the opt-in process
  • Ineligible - you are not eligible to opt-in to this program at this time
  • Opted-out - you have chosen to opt-out of this program. You may only opt-out of certain programs 
  • Subscribed, canceled or expired - Certain programs with a subscription may include a subscription status

Select a program by tapping or clicking on a program name. 



Don't see programs when you log in?

If you log in to our website and don't see Programs on the left side menu, it may look like the menu below because you own more than one office location or you have enrolled in more than one program.


To opt-in to a program you will need to start by filtering your view of our website by selecting a particular office and/or record. Once this is done, the left side menu will change and Programs menu item will be available.



Opt-in to a program

On the next page, a summary of critical opt-in information including program eligibility status, deadline, cost, etc. is found at the top right side of the page. Tap or click the tooltip icon next to "Program eligibility status" for more details on eligibility requirements.


Select the Opt-in button to start the opt-in process.




Some opt-ins require additional steps to complete the opt-in process.


After starting the opt-in process or successfully completing the opt-in process, a second button may be added to some program opt-in pages. This is often where you can access related program features. 




Opting-in to the tax pro advance program

Some programs including the tax pro advance display information that is updated throughout the tax season. For example, the Pre-Season Funds cost varies based on the time of the year, so the fee displayed on the opt-in page will change depending upon when you are visiting this page.



After selecting the opt-in button, tax professionals that are qualified for the pre-season and in-season tax pro advance can select from several options.

  1. Pre-season only - receive only a pre-season advance
  2. In-season only - receive a fee advance during tax season
  3. Both pre-season and in-season - receive a preseason advance before tax season and a fee advance during tax season



Once an advance option is selected, tax professionals are asked to confirm their opt-in before the program opt-in is complete. 

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