Our tax pro website's dashboard gives our tax professional partners an overview of their business. The dashboard is updated daily, providing a quick overview as the season progresses. The location of components on the dashboard may changed based on time of year and what information is most important to view daily.
Search for a taxpayer
One of the biggest time saving features of our dashboard is the taxpayer search. Start entering a client's SSN and when your client's information is displayed, select your client to quickly find an overview of their account.
Find more details
View Report
Each section of the dashboard contains a related report. Drill down for more details by clicking on the View Report link and running a related report for more details about information that is summarized in a section of the dashboard. Note: The Staff dashboard section has a link to "Manage users" which takes you to the page where you can manage your employee users.
Tool tip
To the right of each section header you will find an information icon. Select this icon to see more information about a particular section.
1 - My debt balance
Your current debt balance with Santa Barbara Tax Products Group (sbtpg) is displayed in this section. The types of loans are displayed here including the loan amount issued and the amount outstanding. A grand total of the amount outstanding is displayed at the bottom of the section.
2 - Updates
In addition to the Notification center found under "Account", certain messages are also displayed in the "Updates" section. Some updates may require action, and you may click on the link to take action. If a 3-dot icon is displayed, select the icon for more options.
3 - Disbursement method
See the type of disbursement methods selected by your clients. This is not a count of disbursements, but this is the sum of selected disbursement types.
4 - Recent deposits
View a list of the most recent direct deposits issued to you, the type of deposit issued, and the total $ amount paid to you for the current tax season is displayed at the bottom of this section.
5 - Refund Transfer
Find a count of the Refund Transfers (RTs) you have processed.
- RT Applied - Total number of Refund Transfers that you have transmitted
- RT 1st Funded - Total number of Refund Transfers that have received initial funding
- RT 2nd Funded - Total number of Refund Transfers that have received second funding
- RT Funding Rate - See what percent of your Refund Transfers have received IRS and/or state funding
6 - Fast Cash Advance
If you are participating in the Fast Cash Advance program, you will see an overview of advance loans you have processed.
- Approved - Find the $ amount of loans issued and the number of taxpayers that have received a loan
- Unpaid - Find the $ amount of loans outstanding and the number of taxpayers that have an outstanding loan
- FCA loss rate - See what percent of the loans you have issued remain outstanding
7 - Fee summary
Find a summary of your fees.
- Paid - See how much has been paid to you and a count of how many taxpayers have paid you
- Unfunded - See how many taxpayers have not funded yet and the amount of fees that remain unpaid
- Past due - See how many taxpayers have not funded by the expected funding date and are now considered past due
8 - Auto Collect
Get an overview of the amount collected on your behalf through the Auto Collect program including the number of taxpayers we have successfully collected from.
9 - My staff
If you have added staff to your sbtpg account, your employee user(s) will be displayed here including the role you have assigned each user and the account status.
- Active - The user has successfully activated their account and currently has access to your sbtpg account
- Pending - The user has been invited to join your account, but has not successfully activated their account
- Deactivated - The user has been deactivated and no longer has access to your sbtpg account
10- Program Opt-in Status
The dashboard displays programs that may be available. Select a program to learn more about that program and to opt-in. In a program opt-in section you may see one of the following statuses:
- Eligible - you may qualify to participate in a program and you have not opted in yet
- Ineligible - you are not qualified for a specific program
- Pending approval - you started the opt-in process and are waiting for approval
- Approved - you have successfully opted in to a program
- Denied - you are not approved for a specific program
- Denied - you do not want a particular program
- Opted-out - you opted out of a product you were previously opted-in to
- Subscribed - you are currently subscribed to a monthly service
- Cancelled - you have cancelled a subscription service
- Expired - your subscription to a service has expired